Empowering Rural Communities Capacity Building and Strengthening
As ERIRO we have partnered with different stake holders to reach out to the Islanders, Judith a lawyer by professional from Amponda Care Foundations shared her personal Testimony and story as a means of Motivating both the OVC Girls and Boys, Parents and Guardians alike. This was geared to stimulate them of the need […]
Where would you Report a Gender Based Violence GBV Case and who would you Tell? State the Reason why
Gender Based Violence GBV ERIRO has been very profound as it gets to GBV awareness in the Islander’s communities of Buvuma. When ERIRO commenced its activities in the Island communities of Buvuma, there were poor indicators of high teenage pregnancies, early child marriages which would lead to high prevalence of reproductive health issues. Since the […]
Education Program
ERIRO under its founder Mr. Kyambadde who has been gifted with a heart of a dearly loving father and has managed to enroll a number of OVCs Orphans and Vulnerable Children into ERIRO’s Education sponsorship program. Many of the Islander community children have bigger dreams, which when you seat down and listen to each one […]