Gender Based Violence GBV
ERIRO has been very profound as it gets to GBV awareness in the Islander’s communities of Buvuma.
When ERIRO commenced its activities in the Island communities of Buvuma, there were poor indicators of high teenage pregnancies, early child marriages which would lead to high prevalence of reproductive health issues. Since the intervention of ERIRO in the Island Communities, there has been reduction in the above cases that is to say, credit goes to the founding father Mr. Kyambadde for this remarkable mile stone.
One of the most touching stories during the last concluded Month of May outreach and
campaign was, randomly among the Islanders a woman who came in to test so as to establish her HIV/AIDS Status.
The lady in question let’s call her Susan not real names.
Susan tested for HIV/ AIDS
and on receiving the results,
the ERIRO Counsellor asked Susan
what results do you expect?
With confidence Susan replied that of course Negative
Unfortunately, that is not so, Susan you are Positive of HIV/AIDS.
Shocked and disturbed, Susan, was heartbroken
Susan felt it was the end of the road to this sweet life.
Susan blamed it all on her partner.
upon receiving what seemed to her the most devastating bad news and note
to hear and know that, she was positive with HIV/AID.
Susan lamented why me, of all people,
Susan when asked if she knew about or expected it,
she was shocked and simply answered weeping and sobbing bitterly Now, “it is this man responsible” (Implying the husband)
‘’Let me go back home and he will answer.’ Now, I’m not going to die alone Susan exclaimed