Gender-Based Violence, Sexual and Reproductive Health, HIV/AIDS (GBV, SRH, HIV/AIDS)

At Eriro, we recognize the urgent need to address issues related to gender-based violence (GBV), sexual and reproductive health (SRH), and HIV/AIDS within our target communities. These interconnected thematic areas are critical components of our holistic approach to community development and empowerment.

Through our integrated approach to GBV, SRH, and HIV/AIDS, Eriro aims to promote gender equality, improve health outcomes, and empower individuals and communities to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. Together, we can create positive change and break the cycle of violence and disease transmission within our communities.

Gender-Based Violence (GBV):

Gender-based violence remains a pervasive issue affecting individuals, families, and communities, particularly in marginalized settings. Eriro is committed to combating GBV by raising awareness, providing support services, and advocating for gender equality and women's rights. Through community sensitization campaigns, counseling support, and partnerships with local authorities, we strive to create safer environments where individuals can live free from violence and discrimination.

Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH):

Access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services is essential for promoting the well-being and rights of individuals, especially women and adolescents. Eriro works to improve SRH outcomes by providing education, counseling, and access to essential healthcare services. Our initiatives focus on promoting reproductive rights, family planning, maternal health, and prevention and management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).


HIV/AIDS remains a significant public health challenge in Uganda, particularly in fishing communities where prevalence rates are often higher due to various socio-economic factors. Eriro is dedicated to addressing HIV/AIDS through prevention, care, and support services. We prioritize HIV/AIDS education, stigma reduction, HIV testing and counseling, access to antiretroviral therapy (ART), and support for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHAs) and their families.